Sunday, August 14, 2011

Nothing seems to help me. Does anyone have any suggestions?

Im constantly sad and unhappy and depressed. Im a teenager, and hate school and everything about even tho i am fine at lessons and the actual education side of things but its more the social aspect. I was bullied and feel different to everybody at school. I feel like i am an outsider and no matter what i do I will never fit in here. I wish i could move back home, but i can't. My family tries everything to make me happy, they will take me out for tea to cheer me up and im even going on holiday next week. But yet i know i will have to go back to school and i see the people from school everywhere and i just feel like i will never be happy here. I have a few friends but then i was told my one of them that she hates me and so do they all. All iwant is to be happy and for my family to be happy. i like hanging out with friends but they are all a lot older than me, i prefer spending time with adults (if that doesnt sound pathetic and sad) but its true. Cos they actually treat me nice not like the people at school. i justt wanna be happy, have a nice time and sum nice friends cos then i will stop making my mom sad. cos she is sad cos she knows i am. I dont know what i can do to make that happen. :( erm. any suggestions...... thanks. oh and im in pain lots cos of an illness i havee so maybe that doesnt help either. x

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