Monday, August 15, 2011

I posted a question earlier about putting my daughter up for adoption?

I'm 6 months pregnant and I don't know what to do. My boyfriend and I have been together 3 years so we've got a good relationship and had planned to get married this summer. We're both 18 though and he's still finishing his senior year in high school (I'm a college freshman). We can't get approved for an apartment because everyone thinks we're too big of a risk since I don't have a job right now, and he works at Subway. I was living in my bf's city for college and when I got pregnant I went home with my family because the dorms were very unhealthy for me. My family lives nearly 2 hours away from the city so it was impossible to keep a job there. I don't know how I'm supposed to keep a job in the city 2 hours away if I have nowhere to stay. My paycheck would all go to gas! Most people mentioned getting state aid. I'm sorry, but do you all realize that this economy sucks? The rates of single moms and teen moms keeping their babies has sky rocketed and guess what... most of them are on state aid to afford their children! They all want to do the noble thing and keep their child, but all their doing is sucking off of the system! Not all of course, but too many! I don't want to be another statistic. I think that my baby girl deserves better than that! Her father was begging me to just let him have her because he can't stand the idea of giving her up. Frankly I can't either, but I want what is best for her! I just don't know what to do! I want to keep her so badly, but I don't deserve her if I can't support her.

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