Friday, August 12, 2011

Disease vectors of the Zombie Apocalypse?

That is a good point. I guess though in actuality most people aren't going to have the fire power to take out hordes of zombies, most will be bitten, maybe escape and become a zombie themselves. Also it depends on how fast the zombie bite actually takes to turn the victim into a zombie...I mean the is the transformation rate 4 hours? 1 hour? 1 minute? It depends a lot on that too. I mean if you get bit, you may become a zombie yourself before the original zombie even gets close to killing you. The main thing is that most people wont be armed enough to kill off a zombie. Plus who is to say the zombie will kill you? Or if you do get bitten enough that you die, whose the say the virus doesnt have properties, that once infected your heart doesn't actually stop. Maybe you go into a coma like state, while the virus transforms you.

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