Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Should i break up with my boyfriend or not? Please help...i need advice.?

Right now, i am in tears just writing this. i dont know what to do. I am at a point in my relationship with my boyfriend that i dont know whether to go left or go right. We have been together for a year. We have been getting along great until a few weeks ago. I love him with all my heart. i really do. he is the man i want to spend the rest of my life with. i feel like i cant express my feelings or my thought to my boyfriend without being judged or being told that my feelings and thoughts are retarded. we talk about everything under the sun but when problems arise in our relationship that i dont feel right about, he sweeps what i say and my feelings under the rug. i guess that he expects for me to "take it like a man" everything is his way or the highway without compromise. i will give you a good example. my bf is a truck driver. he just hired a co driver to help him out until the spring time to help himself out financially. in my opinion, there is nothing wrong with that. thats fine. a few weeks ago, i forund out that the person that he would be hiring would be another woman. at first i was uneasy about it, but i accepted it anyway because it would help my bf out financially. i was uneasy about it because that meant that my bf will be practically living with another woman for almost 5 months. all those little moments that happen will be shared with her and not me. i will admit that i was a little jealous, but like i said i accepted it because i trust him. well anyway,earlier this week, i found out from a trustful friend that my bf co driver wanted him. i found out that she has no shame in going after other womens boyfriends. keep in mind that this is the same girl that will be co driving with my bf for 5 months. this really pissed me off because i dont want my bf being around someone who has poor values. my bf said that she has never given him a reason to think tha she wants him and that i should get over it and pretend that she was a guy. wtf!!?? anyway, thats just one situation. other situation all end in my feelings getting swept to the side. im thinkng about the future. what if this keeps happening? i dont wnat to not be able to express my feeling to my bf without him getting mad or upset. he said that i should grow some thick skin, but i think otherwise. i think that he should have a little compion and understanding....if i am being selfish, then i am guilty as charged. other reason why i want to break up is because i feel that we are two differnt. true enough, no two people are the same, but me and my bf are diffenrt and dont see eye to eye on much of anything. sometime i find myself just going with the flow just to avoid an argument. i have tried talking to him, but its not working. i want to talkt o him again but, i know he wont be trying to hear what i say. idk. if i didnt love him, things would be so easy, but its not. what should i do? he says that five months driving with her will go by fast and that i dont have anything to worry about. i know he loves me but i just wnat him to undersand how i feel and have a little compion for my feelings.

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