Wednesday, August 10, 2011

What do you do when your boyfriend gets mad at you because you won't buy him Robitussin?

So he can drink the whole bottle and get high. The first time I bought him the Robitussin, I thought there was a legitimate reason. That is until I awoke one late night and heard him screaming in the living room that I had a call on like 3:30am. He was high. He has a past with hard drugs but I was under the impression that he was finished with it. His mother peddles Xanax pills to him like skittles (and I hate her) and he smokes marijuana and bitches at me if I don't give him money. He breaks my personal belongings and doesn't even care. It seems like all he wants these days are drugs. He can't even spend a regular evening with me anymore without bitching that he needs something. I'm really tired of it. I think he's dragging me down, in just about every way possible. My energy, my money, everything.

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